I had been following Rebeccah for years before deciding to sign up for the live subscriptions. I had done the lives on Instagram during lockdown, alongside my football training, and they were especially handy in strict lockdowns when training could not go ahead. After a month of live workouts, I signed up for my first challenge in May 2021.

Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer on June 4th, 2021. This meant that I had to cut the 6-week challenge short. However, when I was diagnosed, thanks to Rebeccah and the live workouts, I was the fittest physically that I had ever been, which I think helped me for the challenges I had to go through for the year that followed.

I underwent countless scans, fertility treatments, tests, 20 weeks (about 4 and a half months) of chemotherapy, 2 surgeries and 15 sessions of radiation before finishing treatment on March 23rd, 2022. Going through all of this at only 21 was a huge challenge, especially through the covid pandemic. Luckily, I have since made a full recovery and I am now cancer free!

Having been ill for the year and not being able to train I was delighted to return to football and sign myself back up to the live workout subscriptions, before eventually signing back up for the challenges in the summer. It has been very tough getting my fitness back, but Rebeccah has been beyond helpful with check ins and making sure that I am not too hard on myself and remember how far I have come.

Slowly but surely, I am building back up my fitness, working on my sleep, activity levels, nutrition, and training, all while having returned to college to complete my final year of Neuroscience in UCC (University College Cork). I am loving training now and could not have attempted to return the way that I have without Rebeccah’s guidance and reassurance.

I am so happy that I signed up to TeamROR when I did!

Lauren x